Thursday, July 26, 2012

"Under the sea, under the sea. Darling it's better down where it's wetter, take it from me."

Today we explored Hanauma Bay.  As most places, it is suggested that you go early to avoid crowds.  The visit starts with a video about Hanauma Bay history and then goes over some safety points.  After the video we made our way down to the bay.  The sand was white and soft but it was hard to find a spot at first because the crowds were already gathering.  We collected our snorkeling gear and hopped in the water.  Immediately we saw several fish.  There were several areas of coral in rather shallow water so we floated precariously on our stomachs while avoiding touching the coral.  The water wasn't quite as clear as at Captain Cook but there were many fish that would swim right next to you.  The pictures below show a few of them but as usual the fish were much more colorful in real life.

Pat Snorkeling
Picasso Triggerfish
Yellowfin Surgeonfish

Sailfin Tang

Here is a video we taped of a few fish and some coral.  You get a small glimpse of us too. 

Orangespine Unicornfish, numerous convict tang
Redlip Parrotfish (female)
Redlip Parrotfish (female)

Threadfin Butterfly fish
Orangespine Unicornfish
Whitespotted Surgeonfish
Whitespotted Surgeonfish

Bluestrip Snapper

The reef is very shallow and you just float over  it
Post Snorkeling
View of the bay
After Hanauma Bay we drove home for me to take a pre-work nap.  It was then off to work while Pat tried to get our apartment organized for our departure in only 3 days!!!

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