Sunday, July 8, 2012

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's off to work I go...

Today started with an Adventure to Aloha Stadium "swap meet."  We thought it would be a lot of authentic Hawaiian items, however a lot of it was made in China!  We found a few gems along the way and bought a few souvenirs and gifts.
On our way home we stopped by a local bakery recommended by our airport shuttle driver, Liliha Bakery. We dined on the coco puffs which consisted of chocolate pudding filling with a puff pastry and nutty icing.

Coco Puff and Chocolate Puff
We also got our first taste of a Malasada.  It's a Hawaiian donut that is very popular.  Apparently Leonard's Bakery is more famous for them so we will be going there at some point too.

Apple-filled Malasada
And of course Pat bought a couple of rolls.

Hawaiian Butter Roll
Then I took a short nap and it was off to my first day at Queens Medical Center.  The patients here are soooo nice!  The attendings were also very friendly.  Most of them did their training on the mainland and were surprised by the gratitude and understanding of the patients here.  While I was at work Pat did some much needed Walmart shopping and then read some of his summer reading assignment.

Only a couple more days of work and then we are off to the Big Island!!

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