Monday, July 2, 2012

I got my toes in the water....

Mornings start early in Hawaii, I (Pat) took this picture out of our window this morning at 5:30 am.  
After hitting up the corner ABC store(not the one you are thinking of) at 6 am for breakfast, we finally unpacked our luggage and planned our day.  We decided to walk down the road to Waikiki Beach to enjoy the beautiful, scorching 75 degree weather.  We figured out a beautiful beach to go to and we are excited to show it to Jaron and Christina (Pat's friends) when they come to visit.  
Tonight we are hoping to find a great place for dinner.  The medical residents who have come here for the past 6 years write a few pages with their suggestions of food, things to do, etc.
Tomorrow we head to Kauai after Heidi's orientation at the hospital.  We will be having a three night four day honeymoon that we didn't get to have right after the wedding. :)

1 comment:

  1. Pat - We found some great snorkeling at waikiki near the aquarium. There is a jetty near there with a lifeguard tower. The quieter side of the jetty had a little reef and a bunch of fish (we even saw the humuhumunukanukapua'a). Have a blast!
